NICC – Walkabout Australia

NICC now has DGR status = you get a tax deduction on any donation.


Please note NICC is a registered Indigenous charity 100% owned by its Indigenous members and the board is majority Indigenous Australians; all surplus funds are invested into primary school Indigenous language programs.

THIS is our NICC link to donate (please donate via our page / this integrates with our Membership database (saves us admin time / money; THANKS).







IF you give $52 you will become a “life member” (no more $52 annual fees); if you give any larger amount we will also give you an ongoing 20% shop discount; forever : any donation is gold (we also seek corporate / sponsorship (best to call Kelly to discuss = 0431 699 205 or email her

In 2023 we presented Walkabout to over 2 million Australians.

In 2024/5 we want to entertain over 7 million Australians; but we need your help to attend all the Royal Shows

– with our Walkabout Australia Indigenous “bush tucker truck”, with our Indigenous shop and all the music / fashion / face painting, story telling…

Walkabout Australia aims to take you on a journey of self-discovery, self-determination, and connection to culture through local indigenous music, art, food, fashion and enterprise at participating local community shows around Australia.

We aim to create opportunities to educate, engage, empower, and unite all Australians on our journey, but we need help.

In conjunction with our owner, the National Indigenous Cultural Centre, Walkabout Australia are seeking other likeminded Australians who believe in a united and supportive future for all, mutual respect and understanding, to help us take Walkabout Australia, the opportunities it can create and the hope it can provide for the future, on the road.

You can keep updated on what we are achieving together on the 2024/5 Walkabout Australia Journey on our socials and our website. We also send a newsletter to all subscribers and can be contacted any time.

Walkabout Australia aims to travel to as many communities as possible in 2024/5 and we intend to bring the following experiences and opportunities for local communities and indigenous organisations, if we can achieve our crowding funding goals.


    1. Walkabout Australia Bush Tucker Café Food Van, providing an opportunity for local indigenous organisations to prepare and serve delicious Bush Tucker inspired take-away meals to patrons at your show, a percentage of funds raised from our Walkabout Australia Bush Tucker Café will help to raise money for a Walkabout Australia approved local cause.
    2. Walkabout Australia Merchandise marquee, funds raised from merchandise sales online and at each local show will be used to further develop Walkabout Australia events and opportunities that aim to benefit, educate and unite local communities.
    3. Local Indigenous performers, story tellers, fashion designers and artists, we will provide the opportunity for your local indigenous community to demonstrate their own unique connection to Country and culture with the development of their own Walkabout Australia experiences in each community show.



Our Goal is to crowdfund $52,000 which will enable us to create local opportunities, empower Australians and positively contribute to local communities in every state and territory.

$52,000 will get us to Melbourne, we need more to get to all the others (another $50k will get us to Sydney, but we want to attend all the Royal Shows – so we need corporate partners (more here:-

2025/6 SHOWS:-

IN 2025/6, if we raise the funds needed we will attend all capital cities Royal Shows = over seven million Australians.



Make a donation of any amount to help Walkabout Australia stay on the road.


$52 = lifetime membership..

THERE are also corporate and philanthropic options (email – or call Tony on 0419 431 649).

Please note NICC is a registered Indigenous charity 100% owned by its Indigenous members and all surplus funds are invested into primary school indigenous language programs. THIS is the live campaign (PLEASE help us enable Indigenous culture Indigenous culture should thrive = globally (agreed???

PLEASE note that all donors will also go into the Royal Show competition. One person will win the eight-day glamping tour, for eight people, guided by elders and indigenous chefs, around Uluru and Alice; want to donate now to enter?

These are the following corporate details:-
Royal Show competition entry

YOU will enter the competition if you make ANY donation = THANKS.

THIS page has the details =



Budget Overview

Walkabout Australia aims to attend a number of 2025/6 Royal Shows and as many “local” shows as possible (it is time we got to live and learn about Indigenous culture, entertainment, food, fashion, music, books / stories to dance… if we can achieve our crowding funding goals:-

The first focus is to entertain (inform via music, dance, fashion, story:

need to fix the following (AND integrate the recipes (we have started all but we do need help to expand / continue the integration of indigenous (entertainment / fashion / food / art / literature (AND language.


    1. Local Indigenous performers, story tellers, fashion designers and artists, we will provide the opportunity for your local Indigenous community to demonstrate their own unique connection to Country and culture with the development of their own Walkabout Australia experiences in each 2024 show we have booked to attend.
    2. To have the 6×6 “tent” is our next funding objective. We will need another $50K to ensure the “shop” / display suite / expo site – 6×6 marquee is in attendance at all the 2024/5 shows we have booked. The first fifty t5/6ousand dollars is needed to attend the booked show with the booked entertainment. The next fifty thousand will allow Walkabout Australia to stock, supply, deliver all the goods to all the booked 2025/6 shows. We will also need to design and produce the banners / materials and pay staff.
    3. Walkabout Australia Café Food Van, provides an opportunity for local indigenous organisations to prepare and serve delicious Bush Tucker inspired take-away meals to patrons at all the shows. IF we raise $150,000 then we will be financially able to invest in the Bush Tucker Van: but it will take $50,000 to fit out, supply, staff; ensure the food can be delivered at all the booked 2025/6 shows. We cannot attend just one, we must attend all shows with each funded item, or not at all (Walkabout Australia must be profitable to ensure 2025/6 and ongoing success but we are a not-for-profit, so all surplus funds are either reinvested into the events we attend or are invested into the indigenous primary language education programs we support.


Walkabout Australia understands $52,000 is a lot of money. We also understand we have a lot to achieve: our local shows should have an indigenous offer = entertainment, food, products/exhibits/shop (and if we are really lucky we will have a great 7D movie for you to enjoy).


Our Goal is to crowdfund $52,000 which will enable us to create local opportunities, empower Australians and positively contribute to local communities. $250,000 will also enable an ongoing growth of Walkabout Australia into 2025/6 and thereafter. It is essential we connect with our indigenous culture. Our kids need this = YES